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As we’re going to enter the year 2024, it’s clear that the B2B marketing world is changing quickly. This transformation is fueled by technological advancements and shifts in buyers’ behaviour. To maintain a competitive edge, businesses must be flexible and take advantage of the B2B marketing trends in 2024 to develop effective marketing strategies.

Let’s check them out and create the right B2B marketing strategy for online business. 

B2B Marketing Trends for 2024

1. B2B Marketing Trend #1: Emotional Storytelling in B2B Marketing

Understanding Your Audience

Demographics and job titles aren’t the only factors here. 2024 B2B trends will be unique. Discovering your audience’s everyday struggles, career goals, and driving forces is the key. With this knowledge, you can create stories that strike a chord with your audience emotionally, drawing them closer to your business.

Leveraging Customer Stories

One powerful method to show the real-life impact of your products or services is to share success stories from satisfied customers. In B2B Marketing Trends 2024, you should show how your solutions overcame your clients’ obstacles. Building an emotional connection with your audience is a great method to convey the value of your product.

Marketing with fun and Relatability

Integrating humor and relatable content into your B2B marketing makes your brand more approachable. You could do this by using funny words, telling funny stories, or writing about everyday things your audience can connect to. Finding the right mix between being professional and friendly is important.

2. B2B Marketing Trend #2: Video Marketing in B2B With Real Faces

Personalization Over Polish

Regarding B2B video marketing in 2024, trustworthiness is more important than polish. Instead of making highly polished business movies, focus on being real. High-budget productions may not work as well as videos with real workers, behind-the-scenes images, or customer reviews. They should be real, making people feel like they know you and your business personally.

Read more: Local Video Marketing Strategies To Boost SMBs Growth

Interactive Elements

To make videos more interesting, add interactive elements like comments that can be clicked on, embedded quizzes, or questions that ask viewers to answer. This not only keeps people interested, but it also gives you useful information about what people like.

Scalable Video Content

Make videos that are easy to change to fit different devices and uses. This includes small videos for social media, longer pieces for your website, and excerpts you can send out in emails. The goal is to make each piece of content you make worth as much as possible.

3. B2B Marketing Trend #3: Email Marketing with the CHEETAH Framework

Interesting Subject Lines

People who get the email first see the subject line. It must be interesting enough to make them want to open the email. This could be done with a question, a surprising fact, or an interesting teaser that gives away something about the value of the email.

Humanizing Your Messages

Write emails like you’re talking to a friend. Stay away from words and business talk. Instead, write in a chatting style that makes your texts feel personal and interesting.

Entertainment and Creativity

Add things to your emails that make them stand out, like eye-catching graphics, a unique style, or information you can interact with. Your email should be easy to remember and fun to read.

4. B2B Marketing Trend #4: Leveraging AI in Content Strategy

Building Authority

Establishing authority involves creating content showcasing your industry’s expertise and thought leadership. This can be achieved through in-depth articles, whitepapers, and case studies that provide valuable insights.

Diversifying Content Sources

Make sure a lot of people discover your content by sharing it through a lot of different outlets. This includes social media, groups for your business, and other sites where your audience hangs out. The more different ways you share your information, the more people will see it.

5. B2B Marketing Trend #5: Align Social Media Influencers in B2B Who Share Same Values

Establishing Direct Connections

In the B2B marketing trend 2024, you must focus on influencers with the same thoughts as your brand. Choose influencers who align with your brand values and genuinely connect with your audience. They should be credible and respected in their field, offering relevant insights and content to your target audience.

Embracing Diverse Media

Different platforms cater to different audiences and content styles. LinkedIn might be more suited for in-depth, professional content, while platforms like Instagram or TikTok can be great for more visual, engaging content. So, choose your platform accordingly.

6. B2B Marketing Trend #6: Building Decentralized Communities

Defined Niche and Value

The backbone of any thriving community is its members’ shared interest in a particular area of interest. It should provide value, be it guidance, data, or connections.

Accessibility and Connection

Make your community easy to join and navigate so everyone feels welcome. To achieve this goal, the platform may be designed with the user in mind, with clear instructions and active moderation to ensure positive interactions.

7. B2B Marketing Trend #7: Focus on Behavioral Science in Marketing

Emotion and prevention of loss

Place a strong emphasis on the emotional advantages that your product or service may provide, and the pain points that it can help alleviate. A powerful way to motivate your audience to choose your solution is to highlight the potential downsides of going with another option.

Authority and Reasoning

Use authoritative sources and clear, logical reasoning in your messaging. This includes citing industry experts, using data and research, and providing clear, rational arguments for why your product or service is the best choice.


In the year 2024, the environment of B2B marketing will be both dynamic and demand a diversified strategy. Businesses can build effective marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audience by adopting these B2B marketing trends 2024, which will drive growth and success in the ever-evolving world of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. 

If you are an active planner and are thinking of achieving something big in the upcoming year, contact us today. Our digital marketing professionals will help you turn your plans into actions. 

Good Luck..!!

Sanjay Mehan| SunArc Technologies
Sanjay Mehan