With the remembrance of our great leaders for their endless resistance against the foreign powers to give us the freedom that we enjoy today, we paid homage to all those who have laid down their lives, to make the country free from foreign dominance.

We started the event with our holy tradition to worship our goddess saraswati by lamp lighting and dedicating prayers to Maa.
The “Anugoonj Group” came with the spectacular song performance and showed their love and affection to holy Bharat Maa.
We honoured the treasures of our company who have given their 6 or more successful years to SunArc Technologies, as human resource is the biggest asset of an organisation and a better staff makes a better company.
SunArc girls dressed in vibrant colors showed their group dance performance with their group named “Footloose”
People came up with the thought that laughing is a medicine, a Meditation but in today’s Era our life is so hectic that we can’t do this meditation, they exhibit their talent with the presentation of play “Bharti k Hasgulle” which depicted fun with the blend of major issues & failures of our country which are yet to be cured.
Individuals flamboyantly came up with different songs, poems and also shared their views and thoughts in context of the nation.
The program ended up with the Independence day resolution!