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Is the current feed of your social media covering a large portion of the updates of ChatGPT? 

Indeed, we can say!

After the launch of a full-fledged inventive AI image generator, ‘DALL·E 2’, OpenAI is again making the headlines with its state-of-the-art language processing AI model ChatGPT. 

A new chatbot, aka ChatGPT, has made quite a splash, and many users find it fascinating. With its human-like, in-depth responses to questions, it has gained widespread attention for providing surprisingly genuine answers to users’ questions.

OpenAI has made significant strides in artificial intelligence (AI) over the course of several years. Whether writing an unimaginative script for a stand-up comedy or figuring out the answer to the toughest of questions, ChatGPT has a knack for it all.

Since its launch in November 2022, Every now & then we hear or read some perspectives about the potential of chatGPT.  Whilst it has made its impact by providing responses promptly & accurately at the very early stage of its research release, it is also making some nuisance by not taking high-load requests. 

There are many talks in the air yet we thought to try it with ourselves so that we can also get to know if we can take a ride on the supervision with chatGPT or not.  Therefore, based on our hands-on with ChatGPT, we are putting the experience in words that might reflect its potential for being a threat or an opportunity to white collars. 

Let’s dive right in..!!

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, also known as the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a large language model chatbot based on GPT 3.5 developed by OpenAI. It is fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement learning approaches to produce accurate results. Besides, It has the capacity to connect with other people in the form of conversational discussion and offer replies that can seem very human.

ChatGPT is trained using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), which helps it learn how to follow orders and generate feedback. It’s part of the next generation of AI systems, which can hold natural conversations and create new, human-readable text and code on demand.

How To Use ChatGPT?

To use ChatGPT, you need to 

1. Visit the OpenAI website

2. Click on Try ChatGPT.

3. After clicking on Try ChatGPT, a new window will be opened. Here you need to enter your email address, or you can sign up using your Google account.

4. Then it will ask to verify your contact details; after entering your contact number, a six-digit code will be sent to your mobile; you need to enter that code to get started. 

5. After entering a code, you will get a dashboard; at the bottom, you can see the search box, enter your thoughts and have fun.

Is ChatGPT A Threat or an Easy Way?

Since the advent of chatGPT, there has been a lot of speculation that it is a threat to jobs and a boon to businesses and searchers.

It would be a hurry if we say it’s a threat for anyone who is complied with a computer device,  or take out a conclusion on the same, yet there is no bad to know more about the unveiled twists so we conducted a few experiments with ChatGPT. We asked one question and checked if we are getting accuracy i.e 0 plagiarism in the given content or not. 

Here are they:

Experiment: If ChatGPT Deliver Plagiarised Content

The result of “What Is Digital Marketing”?

Result 1


Quetext (Plagiarism Checker)

Result 2


Quetext (Plagiarism Checker)

The results are showing that there is still plagiarism henceforth, it would be very soon to say that we can wholly depend on chatGPT. So it doesn’t seem like someone will take somebody’s job but yet it can be very helpful in a certain way, for example – If you are a content writer, then the majority of your time is spent conducting research and gathering information. Or if you are new to the niche and want to prepare content on it, then you need to do something other than deep research. ChatGPT will save this time and offer you information that has been thoroughly studied. And to produce final or fresh results, customized content to target the specific audience, content writers will be required. The same is for other niches as well, so in all, imperatively it can become a support or helping hand that might not give you the logic of code but certainly will guide you with the formats by which you can use your intelligence in logic and spend less time in making or inlining the code syntax. .

The objective of giving this example is basically to showcase the idea of chatGPT in context with threat or an opportunity. We can clearly say now that we are waiting for more new releases in the ChatGPT so that it can be useful in a myriad of segments. 

Will ChatGPT Replace Google?

You must have heard or read about this headline where one is asking ‘Would ChatGPT be the next Google’? The Answer is No and we will let you know why it’s not a possibility for now. 

Google is a search engine, whereas ChatGPT is a kinda ‘ask engine’ aka chatbot. 

If you need to research something, you should first go to Google. Google will offer you several relevant results, and from those results, you may select the best ones based on the criteria you provide. Whereas on chatGPT it will give you one specific result straightforwardly. You might not be sure if that will surely satisfy your search and to confirm that you might again need to take help from Google. 

ChatGPT is a great way to get instant outcomes for certain topics but most searches require deep research in which only Google can be there for you. 

ChatGPT will, without a doubt, become a good help to its users but it doesn’t seem a replacement for Google. 


So that is the very first overview of chatGPT from our side. We tried to put the facets that show the definitions in terms of threats or opportunities.  Just like you, we are also in the process of adapting chatGPT therefore We will be putting up more content in reference to chatGPT and its futuristic goals and implementations (maybe with more releases) so stay tuned with us for more useful insights for your reading or know-how for chatGPT. 

Sanjay Mehan| SunArc Technologies
Sanjay Mehan
Digital Marketing Executive